Hero Keeper ( Desura Key / Region Free )

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Hero Keeper ( Desura Key / Region Free )

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Hero Keeper is a real time strategy game that will have you constructing a kingdom to attract heroes who will explore, fight, shop and quest in your realm. Heroes will buy and find equipment, potions, charms, magic books and much more that they can use to become more powerful and gain new abilities! Throughout the campaign you will be faced with fighting hordes of monsters and even other Kingdoms with their own heroes.

Alongside the campaign there is also a skirmish mode that will allow you to customize the way you play: you can fight monsters or rival kingdoms as well as play on different types of random maps. Hero Keeper supports rival kingdom AI who will build up and attract heroes the same way you would. The AI will also play differently every time, with many different strategies to choose from.

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Цена: 8.9 руб.

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